Trane Amer Standard Thermostat Terminator / Defrost Sensor THT2243 THT02243
$ 21.12
- Description
- Size Guide
xOEM Trane Board #
THT-2243 / THT02243
American Standard / Trane OEM Components are designed specifically for Trane and/or American Standard systems , this Thermostat / Terminator Control is commonly used in 100s of Different Systems.
Availability May Vary , Contact Us for Current Quantity On-Hand
TRANE # THT02243
Availability May Vary , Contact Us for Current Quantity On-Hand
Thermostat Terminator
240V, SPST
OPEN @ 105
° F
, CLOSE @ 73
° F
Replaces / Supersedes: THT2243 THT-2243 THT02243 THT02341 THT-2341 THT2341 THT2302 THT-2302 THT02302 THT2242 THT-2242 THT02242 THT2241 THT-2241 THT02241 THT2240 THT-2240 THT02240 and others
Tracking to be Provided w/Shipment!
We Ship Worldwide! Contact Us for Details
Additional Compressors / OEM Solutions Available
Commonly used in the Following Systems:
2A6B2048A1000AA 2A6B2060A1000AA 2A6B3018A1000AA 2A6B3024A1000AA 2A6B3030A1000AA 2A6B3036A1000AA 2A6B3042A1000AA 2A6B3048A1000AA 2A6B3060A1000AA 2A6C2048A3000AA 2A6C2048A3000AB 2A6C2048A4000AA 2A6C2048A4000AB 2A6C2048A4000AC 2A6C2060A3000AA 2A6C2060A3000AB 2A6C2060A4000AA 2A6C2060A4000AB 2A6C2060A4000AC 2A6C3030A3000AA 2A6C3030A4000AA 2A6C3036A3000AA 2A6C3036A4000AA 2A6C3042A3000AA 2A6C3042A4000AA 2A6C3048A3000AA 2A6C3048A4000AA 2A6C3060A3000AA 2A6C3060A4000AA 2A6H2048A1000AA 2A6H2048A1000AB 2A6H2048A1000BA 2A6H2060A1000AA 2A6H2060A1000AB 2A6H3018A1000AA 2A6H3024A1000AA 2A6H3030A1000AA 2A6H3036A1000AA 2A6H3042A1000AA 2A6H3048A1000AA 2A6H3060A1000AA 2A6H4030A1000AA 2A6H4030B1000AA 2A6H4036A1000AA 2A6H4036B1000AA 2A6H4042A1000AA 2A6H4042B1000AA 2A6H4048A1000AA 2A6H4048B1000AA 2A6H4060B1000AA 2A6H4060B1000BA 2A6H5024A1000AA 2A6H5030A1000AA 2A6H5036A1000AA 2A6H5042A1000AA 2A6H5048A1000AA 2A6H8030A1000AA 2A6H8030A1000AB 2A6H8030B1000AA 2A6H8030B1000BA 2A6H8036A1000AA 2A6H8036A1000AB 2A6H8036B1000AA 2A6H8036B1000BA 2A6H8048A1000AA 2A6H8048A1000AB 2A6H8048B1000AA 2A6H8048B1000BA 2A6H8060A1000AA 2A6H8060A1000AB 2A6H8060B1000AA 2A6H8060B1000BA 2A6M3018A1000AA 2A6M3024A1000AA 2A6M3030A1000AA 2A6M3036A1000AA 2A6M3042A1000AA 2A6M3048A1000AA 2A6M3060A1000AA 2A7A3060A1000AA 2A7A4042B1000AA 2A7A4048B1000AA 2A7A4060B1000AA 2A7A4060B1000BA 2A7A5024A1000AA 2A7A5030A1000AA 2A7A5036A1000AA 2A7A5042A1000AA 2A7A5048A1000AA 2A7A5048A1000BA 2A7C3030A3000AA 2A7C3030A4000AA 2A7C3036A3000AA 2A7C3036A4000AA 2A7C3048A3000AA 2A7C3048A4000AA 2A7C3060A3000AA 2A7C3060A4000AA 2A7M3060A1000AA 2TTA3030A3000AA 2TTA3030A4000AA 2TTA3036A3000AA 2TTA3036A4000AA 2TTA3048A3000AA 2TTA3048A4000AA
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Contact Us for Assistance...we'll help identify the correct replacement component for your application.
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