*PLEASE NOTE VENDORS MAY VARY (PLEASE REFER TO PICTURES)* Weak calves may not be able to drink liquids from a teat. Stomach tubing is the best way of ensuring they consume enough liquid. Some cattle producers routinely stomach tube all new-born calves to provide colostrum and be certain they will absorb sufficient antibodies to enhance their immunity against diseases. Scouring calves with severe dehydration, that are too weak to drink themselves, can also be stomach tubed. The stomach tube is a flexible piece of plastic tubing with a tear-shaped end designed to be easily inserted into the oesophagus, but not into the lungs. It is usually attached to a plastic container holding the liquid feed. The Calf Fluid Feeder is designed to safely administer colostrum or necessary fluids to combat calf scours and dehydration. Bag is made out of non-toxic, heavy grade plastic. Tear-shaped ball is designed so esophageal probe cannot be inserted into the trachea. The smooth flexible tubing is 48" long with the last 16" reinforced with a rigid plastic tube Complete with Probe, Zipper Bag and Flow Valve Lightweight, Packable, Washable & Reusable Complete Instructions printed on Bag Scale in 500ml and 1/2 Qt increments The first step in using the stomach tube is to determine the length of tube to be inserted. This is measured as the distance from the tip of the calf's nose to the point of its elbow behind the front leg, usually 45 cm or more. This point can be marked on the tube with a piece of tape. Ideally, the calf should be standing so the fluids are less likely to back up and enter its lungs. However, calves that are too weak to stand, can be tubed in a sitting position and even while lying down. The stomach tube is easier to use when calves are restrained. Young calves can be backed into a corner for better head control. A calf allowed to throw its head from side to side may injure itself or you. If the weather is cold, the tube can be placed in warm water to make it more pliable. The tube should be dipped into a lubricant, such as mineral or vegetable oil. The tip of the tube is then placed into colostrum or whole milk, whichever is to be fed. Calves may suck the end of the tube, making it easier for it pass into the oesophagus. A calf's mouth can be opened by gently squeezing the corner of the mouth or by grabbing its head over the bridge of the nose and gently squeezing the upper palate or gums. Once it is opened, the empty tube should be passed slowly along the tongue to the back of the mouth. When the tube is over the back of the tongue, the calf starts chewing and swallowing it, after which the tube is passed down into the oesophagus. The end of the tube can be felt quite easily. Never force the tube; if it is being correctly put down the oesphagus, it should slide in quite easily. After the tube is in place and before any fluids are given, it should be checked for proper positioning in the oesophagus. If it is properly positioned, the rings of the trachea (leading into the lungs) and the rigid enlarged oesophagus can be felt easily. If you cannot feel both of these, remove the tube and start again. The exposed end of the tube should be checked for spurts of air, which indicate that the tube has gone into the lungs. The calf will often cough, but not always, if this occurs. The tube can be unclipped or straightened out or the container can be tipped up to allow liquid to flow down into the stomach. Liquids should be at body temperature (38C) to prevent shock to an already weak calf. It may take three minutes or more to allow sufficient fluid to be administered. The calf will regurgitate less with a slow flow rate. When feeding is over, the tube should be slowly removed. The tube should be cleaned and sanitized, then allowed to drain and dry.