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Rwandan president urges cooperation among ministers as new Cabinet takes oath

KIGALI, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) — Rwandan President Paul Kagame on Monday urged the country’s leaders to work together in carrying out their duties during the swearing-in ceremony of the recently appointed Cabinet.
“An individual who has done very well and has dedicated himself or herself to everything is not enough. One person alone cannot take us anywhere or will not take us where we want to go as a nation, because no one works alone, no one lives alone,” Kagame said in a speech at the parliament building in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.
The president stressed the need for government institutions to work together to deliver on national goals.
“When I say institutions, I mean people. People must work together; institutions must work together; our national institutions must complement each other to spearhead our economic transformation journey. There is no shortcut to the development goals we want to achieve,” he added.
Last week, Kagame appointed 21 ministers and nine ministers of state with three new faces in a new government following last month’s legislative and presidential elections. ■
